Common Home Repairs Arizona Owners May Face

If you are a homeowner in Arizona, then there is a long list of things that can go wrong with the property. Think about all the features of your home that are vulnerable to some type of damage or malfunction. Things can go wrong with the dishwasher, the refrigerator, a sink drain, the drywall, the foundation, the insulation, the wiring, the pipes, the furnace, and much more.

Taking care of all these features can be stressful. To maintain a comfortable home and the lifestyle you desire, regular maintenance is necessary. The average cost of maintenance is estimated to be about 1% of the value of a home each year. That means if your home costs $200,000, you could expect to spend around $2,000 each year on repairs and maintenance.

2 person wearing blue denim jeans

Some of these tasks are simple, while others are more complex to deal with. Let’s dive into some of the most common home repairs that you could experience and what to do about them.

Clogged Drain

Your house contains multiple drain systems to get rid of used water. Bathtubs, toilets, sinks, showers, washing machines, and even gutters must have a way to drain water after use. Unfortunately, these drains often become clogged with debris that is hard to reach. The most obvious sign of this is water that drains slower than usual or not at all. Ignoring this problem could result in a costly overflow issue. You can use a cleaning agent like Draino to break up the blockage or you can snake the drain to pull out the debris. A plunger could also do the trick for certain types of drains.

HVAC Inconsistencies

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It is the system responsible for managing temperatures in your home and the movement of air. Failures in this system could cause certain rooms to be colder or hotter than the rest of the house. This might make the system work harder and consume more energy than it should. There are a few ways to solve this problem. First, you can install air duct sensors to measure air temperature and flow throughout the home, identifying the weaknesses. Then, you can inspect the system yourself to see why certain rooms are being excluded or call in a professional. Some repairs could be basic, but it might also be necessary to replace or update the current HVAC components.

Drywall Holes

Drywall is the primary wall surface in most homes. It contains the insulation, wiring, pipes, and framing so that the interiors are aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, it is not the strongest material in the world, which means holes can develop for various reasons. Fixing these drywall holes shouldn’t be a huge hassle, especially if they are not very big. For small imperfections such as holes made from screws or nails, you could simply put some spackle in the gap and smooth it out. For larger holes, a wall repair patch may be needed to ensure the whole gap is covered. These kits are pretty cheap and can be found in most home goods stores.

Replacing Wooden Framework

Some home repairs are a little more complex than others, especially when they are related to the home’s framing. Many houses in Arizona are built out of wooden frames, and replacing them can be a challenge. However, obtaining this skill could save you a lot of money on labor if you understand how to repair and replace wooden beams and posts correctly. It would also be helpful knowledge if you plan to build a deck in the future. Learning to do this kind of construction on your own could even turn into side gig opportunities for extra income if you are interested in studying for the Arizona contractor licensing exam.

Mold Removal

Water damage can happen almost anywhere in the house. It could be the result of a leaky appliance, a burst or corroded pipe, a bad rainstorm, or a clogged drain. When moisture collects, it can easily lead to mold growth. Mold can lead to health issues for everyone inside because it affects the air quality of the home. Learning how to remove mold is a crucial skill so you can keep everyone safe. Mold on hard surfaces should be scrubbed with detergent and water, or even a baking soda or bleach mixture. Any items that contain mold should be either washed thoroughly or thrown away. If the issue is widespread, you may want to call a mold remediation service.

Keep Up With Home Repairs to Protect Your Investment

If you do not take good care of your home, it will not only lead to a poor living situation, but a difficult time selling the house in the future as well. This investment costs a lot of money, so you need to put in the work to make sure it is worth the cost. There are many other home repairs that you will likely encounter, so be prepared with an action plan to address them to keep your home safe.

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